Jul 11, 2023
Creating Creators Foundation is the nonprofit side of Creating Creators, LLC, the for-profit organization that partners with school districts to help guide and develop students and teachers to discover skills and talents of their own that help them define who they are to the world and by doing so, how they can contribute to an industry that perhaps felt unreachable to them.
Creating Creators is comprised of experts from all the diverse mediums of the film industry. At their core, they empower teachers to use the different skills needed to create films as a tool for teaching while simultaneously helping students use those mediums such as storyboarding, script writing, acting, directing, and editing as tools for learning to help students discover their unique voices. They also create a bridge between students and educators to professional organizations to create a deeper understanding of the amount and value of skills in the entertainment industry. AND By facilitating opportunities through partnerships with professional groups such as studios, unions, and agencies, They are able to offer apprenticeships.
What’s truly beautiful about Creating Creators is that it is not only building skills for students, but giving teachers a new lens figuratively and literally to enable student learning of the necessary skills that foster success - collaboration, critical thinking, writing, problem solving and more, AND by having this revenue source, they are able to support the Foundation side which then can provide students opportunities to serve as crew at film festivals as well as serve as one of the pipeline organizations with The Group Effort Initiative which exists to create real entertainment industry experiences to hopefully secure lasting careers for members of underrepresented communities within the entertainment industry. Now, That’s a win-win